Friday, August 28, 2009

"I Have A Dream"

"I Have A Dream"

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's famous, I Have A Dream, speech has been heard around the world. Delivered on August 28, 1963 was a speech that gave African Americans hope. Dr. King's speech entailed his desire for a future where blacks and whites, and other races could and would be able to live in harmony as equals. The speech was delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. He made mention of how it does not matter "the color of one skin, but the context of their character." What this means is that whether you are black, white, purple, or green, no one should judge you by that in which you can not change but by the way in which carry and conduct yourself.

Move 1: Suspend Judgment: While delivering his speech King does not point fingers or blames any one group in particular. He does not belittle anyone he simply stated as a whole America has to do better.

Move 2: Define Significant Parts & How They're Related: King relates his eagerness and hopefulness of whites and blacks uniting as one with seeing the "promise land."

Move 3: Make the Implicit ExplicitAn implicit statement: Dr. King states explicitly that he wants blacks and whites to live in harmony. I do not believe that there is any implicit statements. This was a very serious speech where he spoke everything that was on his mind.

Move 4: Look For Patterns: Pattern of Repetition- Dr. King begins nearly all of his sentences with the words " I Have A Dream." This implies the seriousness and the determination that he has. He wants these words to be embedded into our minds.
Move 5: Keep Formulating Questions & ExplanationsWhat can America do to help Dr. King's dream come true? Has the speech affected you personally? As of today do you feel as though things have began to change in America?

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