Friday, September 4, 2009

homeless man poem

Wal-mart 2:30 p.m.

On the street corner
A homeless man sits
His worldly possessions of cans and rags
Lie in his shopping cart
Scared and lonely he sits
And watches the cars pass by
Exhausted, he begins to rest his head in his hands
But, before they can hit
A tap from a warm gentle hand falls upon his shoulder
He can feel love and kindness through the fingertips
It is a woman
A lovely, elderly woman
She smiles
And before he knows what has happened
A bag of McDonald’s lies in his hands
Without saying a word,
The woman returns to her car and drives away
The homeless man sits and stares at
Most likely his first meal in weeks
He opens the bag
Pulls out a hamburger
And takes the first bite
As the warm hamburger slides down this throat
Into his empty stomach
He is no longer lonely or scared
The love and kindness in the woman's fingertips
Now pours throughout his heart and soul

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