Friday, September 4, 2009

Driving, 8:00 p.m.

Driving, 8:00 p.m.

I was driving home from the event that night, thinking about how the night turned out. I realized the night went well because I met knew people, talked with friends, grilled out. Sounds like the perfect night for anybody. Not for me, I haven’t had any time to myself for the past three weeks. No time to watch television, no time to hang-out with my girlfriend, no time to play my Xbox. I miss those days, being able to sit and relax. Now these nights, I wake up thinking that today might be the day when I sit down and relax, but look at my schedule and see school, work, rush event, homework and sleep. Just another routine night, another night of running around and getting home late. My night tonight is the same as every night, a night where everyone else seems to enjoy, while I dread the night at hand. Maybe tonight, I can sleep at night and not have anything on my mind about the next day or something I forgot to do before I laid down. Maybe tonight is the night when I sit down for the night.

by Cameron Krones

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