According, to the Fry graph I have a writing level of 6-7. Sometimes I could see that the Fry graph could be wrong and write. I say this because it doesn't see how you are writing or the content in the writing itself. All that it does count how many syllables and how many lines that you have. Therefore, it is correct from that part of the writing but from the other part it doesn't. The readability could be used for many things, newspapers for one, write their news at a level 8 that away everyone can be able to read the newspaper and understand it. I believe that as I get older, that my readability level will go up because I will go through more training on how to write correct and how to have correct grammar. When blogging I try to write at the same level that I do whenever I am writing a research paper or any kind of paper. Sometimes I think I do and other times I don't because it doesn't seem to be as formal as the other writings that I have done.
Cameron Krones
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