Thursday, October 1, 2009

Rubric for Unit Essay 1

In-class activity on Friday, Oct. 2nd:

Today, we are creating the rubric for our unit essay 1.

I have invited the Writing Center tutors to join our class, and before they come we will give them our papers and rubrics, so they know what the prompt was, and how the work will be evaluated.

While it is not clear yet whether the tutors will come for unit 1 or 2 or even later, we will practice making rubrics. If you missed the class where we all created our passwords, you MUST create your Rubistar password today in class (or from home, if you are not here today) in order to participate in the Writing Center activity. Log into Rubistar with your password (or create a new profile, if you don't have one yet):

We are going to create the rubric together, but each rubric will be a little bit different, depending on how you define what would be an A, B, C, D, or F paper. We will most likely all have the same components (such as title, thesis statement, etc.). They need to be weighed in % or points according to importance (e.g., content is more important than spelling).

In order to find out which components we need, look at the original blog prompt for the Icarus essay. Don't just create a rubric component called "follows the prompt," but split it up into meaningful categories. Some people might follow the prompt in 5 steps, but forget to do steps 6 and 7, and you can't say, "didn't follow the prompt" and assign a bad grade for that. This is why you need to specify a bit more.

We will hyperlink all the rubrics we've created to this blog entry, so I can grade them and you have access. Therefore, once you've created your rubric, email yourself the hyperlink, come to the smartboard computer, open your email, get your hyperlink, and put it on this blog. If you don't finish in class, finish your rubric and email me the hyperlink; I will put it on the blog for you then.

Lila Adkins
Alexander Bassett
Courtney Butler
Scott Carpenter
Wister Coleman
Kyle Doran
Mercedes Dunn
Brandon Goeke
Michele Guy
Ian Hayano
Julianne Jacquot
Cameron Krones
Carl Lass
Korey Lindsey
Anita Russell
Patrick Scheil
Clayton Sheehan
Michael Shubert
Courtney Strieker
Christopher Weichselbaum
Mitchell Westerlin

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